Paul's letter to the Galatians : epistolary genre, content, and structure
2002 |
Dahl, Nils Alstrup |
A paradigm of the apocalypse : the gospel in the light of epistolary analysis
2002 |
Hansen, G. Walter |
Epideictic rhetoric and persona in galatians 1 and 2
2002 |
Hester, James D. |
A law-observant mission to gentiles
2002 |
Martyn, J. Louis |
Paul and the opponents of the Christ-Gospel in Galatia
2002 |
Walter, Nikolaus |
The argumentative situation of Galatians
2002 |
Lategan, Bernard C. |
Apostasy to paganism : the rhetorical stasis of the Galatian controversy
2002 |
Martin, Troy W. |
St. Paul's epistles and ancient greek and roman rhetoric
2002 |
Classen, Carl Joachim |
Rhetorical identification in Paul's autobiographical narrative : Galatian 1:13 - 2:14
2002 |
Koptak, Paul E. |
Judais, the circumcision of gentiles, and apocalyptic hope : another look at Galatians 1 and 2
2002 |
Fredriksen, Paula |
The agitators and the Galatian congregation
2002 |
Jewett, Robert |
Paul's argumentation Galatians 1-2
2002 |
Vos, J. S. |
The literary composition and function of Paul's letter to the Galatians
2002 |
Betz, Hans Dieter |
The incident at antioch (Gal 2:11-18)
2002 |
Dunn, James D. G. |
Galatians (1:1-5) : Paul and Greco-Roman rhetoric
2002 |
Berchman, Robert M. |
Foolish Galatians? : a recipient-oriented assessment of Paul's letter
2002 |
Mitternacht, Dieter |
The letter of Paul to the Galatians : a deliberative speech
2002 |
Smit, Joop |
The rhetorical outline for galatians: a reconsideration
2002 |
Hall, Robert G. |
What was at stake in Peter's "eating with gentiles" at antioch?
2002 |
Nanos, Mark D. |
Making and breaking an agreement mediterranian style : a new reading of Galatians 2:1-14
2002 |
Esler, Philip Francis |