Das Grab eines altassyrischen Kaufmanns
1977 |
Calmeyer, Peter |
Old Babylonian Trade in Textiles at Tell al Rimah
1977 |
Dalley, Stephanie |
Marchands et Tamkaru assyriens en Cappadoce
1977 |
Garelli, Paul |
Remarques sur les aspects juridiques du commerce dans le ProcheOrient
1977 |
Kestemont, Guy |
The Importance of Trade
1977 |
Leemans, Wilhelmus F. |
The Copper Ox-Hide Ingots and the Bronze Age Metals Trade
1977 |
Muhly, James David |
The Merchant at Nuzi
1977 |
Zaccagnini, C. |
The Metal Trade of Ugarit
1977 |
Heltser, Mikha'el |
Commerce and Trade: Gleanings from Sumerian Literture
1977 |
Kramer, Samuel Noah |
Les schemas du commerce neo-sumerien
1977 |
Limet, Henri |
Commercial Activity in Sargonic Mesopotamia
1977 |
Foster, Benjamin R. |
1977 |
Collon, Dominique |
Drogerien in Babylonien und Assyrien
1977 |
Farber, Walter |
Le vin a Mari
1977 |
Finet, André |
Partnerships in the Old Assyrian Trade
1977 |
Larsen, Mogens Trolle |
Diplomatic and Commercial Aspects of Temple Offerings
1977 |
Westenholz, Aage |
Nomaden und Handel
1977 |
Klengel, Horst |
The Place of Urartu in First-Millennium B.C.Trade
1977 |
Loon, Maurits Nanning van |
Der Handel zur Zeit Gudea's von Lagasch
1977 |
Sauren, Herbert |
The Activites of some Merchants of Umma
1977 |
Snell, Daniel C. |