Conflict and conflicts in investment treaty arbitration : ethical standards for counsel
2011 |
Sands, Philippe |
Outline of a normative framework for evaluation interpretations of investment treaty protection
2011 |
Bonnitcha, Jonathan |
Investment treaty arbitration as global administrative law : what this might mean in practice
2011 |
Kalderimis, Daniel |
Navigating the parallel universe of investor-state arbitrations under the UNCTAL rules
2011 |
Levine, Judith |
The scope of 'amount of compensation' dispute-resolution clauses in investment treaties
2011 |
Weeramantry, J. Romesh |
Protecting intellectual property rights under BITs, FTAs and TRIPS : conflicting regimes or mutual coherence?
2011 |
Große Ruse-Khan, Henning |
Thirst for profit : water privatisation, investment law and a human right to water
2011 |
Truswell, Emma |
Economic development at the core of the international investment regime
2011 |
García-Bolívar, Omar |
A new investment deal in Asia and Africa : land leases to foreign investors
2011 |
Telesetsky, Anastasia |
Regulation chill and the threat of arbitration : a view from political science
2011 |
Tienhaara, Kyla |
Evolution or revolution?
2011 |
Berman, Franklin |
Recent developments in the approach to identifying an 'investment' pursuant to article 25(1) of the ICSID Convention
2011 |
Williams, David A. R. |
Investment treaty interpretation and customary investment law : preliminary remarks
2011 |
Paparinskis, Mārtiņš |
The public-private dualities of international investment law and arbitration
2011 |
Mills, Alex |
Sovereign wealth funds and international investment law
2011 |
Burgstaller, Markus |
The 'fair and equitable treatment' standard and the circumstance of the host state
2011 |
Gallus, Nick |
The plea of necessity under customary international law : a critical review in light of the Argentine cases
2011 |
Kent, Avidan |
The role of procedure in the development of investment law : the case of Section B of Chapter 11 of NAFTA
2011 |
Puig, Sergio |
Interference by a local court and a failure to enforce : actionable under a bilateral investment treaty?
2011 |
Stephenson, Andrew |
Investor misconduct : jurisdiction, admissiblity or merits?
2011 |
Newcombe, Andrew |