Kautilyan principles and the law of nations (1965-66)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
Mogul sovereignty and the law of nations (1955)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
The discriminatory clause in South Asian treaties in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (1957)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
Is India a federation? (1954)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
The role of treaties in the European-African confrontation in the nineteenth century (1975)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
New and original states : the issue of reversion to sovereignty (1969)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
"Jus gentium" and the law of nature in Asia (1956)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
Freitas versus Grotius (1959)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
G.F. de Martens on Asian treaty practice (1964)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
The legal position of Tibet (1954)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
The partition of Africa by treaty (1974)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
The juridical expression of the sacred trust of civilization (1971)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
Israel in Fieri (1951)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
The new states and international law (1974)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
"This modern grotius" : an introduction to the life and thought of C.H. Alexandrowicz
2017 |
Some problems in the history of the law of nations in Asia (1963)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
Puffendorf-Crull and the Afro-Asian world (1968-69)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
Doctrinal aspects of the universality of the law of nations (1961)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
Le rôle des traités dans les relations entre les puissances européennes et les soverains africains : aspects historiques (1970)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |
Le droit des nations aux indes orientales : aux XVIE, XVIIE, XVIIIE siècles (1964)
2017 |
Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry |