Historicism and materiality in legal theory
2016 |
Tomlins, Christopher |
The practical dimension of legal reasoning
2016 |
Waddams, Stephen M. |
Corrective justice : an idea whose time has gone?
2016 |
Hedley, Steven |
Legal theory and legal history : which legal theory?
2016 |
Douglas-Scott, Sionaidh |
Legal theory and legal history : a view form anthropology
2016 |
Pirie, Fernanda |
Beyond universality and particularity, necessity and contingency : on collaboration between legal theory and legal history
2016 |
Del Mar, Maksymilian |
Modelling law diachronically : temporal variability in legal theory
2016 |
Del Mar, Maksymilian |
Legal realism and natural law
2016 |
Priel, Dan |
The role of rules : legal maxims in early-modern common law principle and practice
2016 |
Williams, Ian Scott |
Legal history and legal theory shaking hands : towards a gentleman's agreement about a definition of the state
2016 |
Halpérin, Jean-Louis |
How history bears on jurisprudence
2016 |
Tamanaha, Brian Z. |
Legal theory and legal history : prospects for dialogue
2016 |
Lobban, Michael |
Legal consciousness: a metahistory
2016 |
Gorman, Jonathan |
Reading juristic theories in and beyond historical context : the case of Lundstedt's Swedish legal realism
2016 |
Cotterrell, Roger |
Law, self-interest, and the Smithian conscience
2016 |
Getzler, Joshua |
Is comparative law necessary for legal theory?
2016 |
Bell, John |
Theory in history : positivism, natural law and conjectural history in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century English legal thought
2016 |
Lobban, Michael |