The safeguard of social rights within the activity of the Security Council
2017 |
Acconci, Pia |
The principle of non-refoulement between international law and European Union law
2017 |
Latino, Agostina |
Close and enduring connections: expulsion procedures and the ties between non citizens and host states in the practice of the Human Rights Committee
2017 |
Marchesi, Antonio |
Immigration, citoyenneté européenne et citoyenneté de résidence dans l'Union européenne
2017 |
Parisi, Nicoletta |
Protecting/promoting the rights of victims in international law : some achievements and ways forward
2017 |
Brikci, Soraya |
Intervention of humanity or the use of force to halt mass-atrocity crimes, the peremptory prohibition of aggression and the interplay between jus ad bellum, jus in bello and individual criminal responsibility on the crime of aggression
2017 |
Donat Cattin, David |
One size fits all? A looming look at human rights in international criminal legal proceedings
2017 |
Harhoff, Frederik |
Nouveau regard sur les sources du droit applicable par la Cour pénale internationale
2017 |
Pellet, Alain |
General principles, nullum crimen and accountability for international crimes
2017 |
Schabas, William |
UN Security Council resolutions before the European Court of Human Rights : exploring alternative approaches for the solution of normative conflicts
2017 |
Arcari, Maurizio |
Significant disadvantage and admissibility of applications to the European Court of Human Rights : effects on domestic legal orders
2017 |
Padelletti, Maria Luisa |
Some cases in the Italian practice relating to illegal migration at sea
2017 |
Scovazzi, Tullio |
Deconstructing the responsibility to protect doctrine : looking for a new legal basis
2017 |
Ciciriello, Maria Clelia |
The protection of the environment against harmful effects of peacetime military training activities : the role of international law
2017 |
Odoni, Mario |
Two hypothetical prospective extradition cause célèbre : the Snowden and Knox cases
2017 |
Bassiouni, M. Cherif |
Les travaux de la Conférence de Londres (26 juin-8 août 1945) sur le Statut du TMI de Nuremberg, une lecture parfois surprenante
2017 |
David, Éric |
La preuve à l'épreuve : trois cas-limites pour le juge international (pénal)
2017 |
Della Morte, Gabriele |
The Special Tribunal for Lebanon and the global response to terrorism
2017 |
Nsereko, Daniel David Ntanda |
The right of peoples to self-determination revisited : did Crimea have the right to secede from the Ukraine?
2017 |
Raimondo, Fabián O. |
The judgment of the Italian Constitutional Court on state immunity in cases of serious violations of human rights or humanitarian law : a tentative analysis under international law
2017 |
De Sena, Pasquale |