The ethics of online research
2017 |
Eynon, Rebecca |
Data quality in online environments
2017 |
Boye Rasmussen, Karsten |
Of instruments and data : social media uses, abuses and analysis
2017 |
Innes, Martin |
'Big social science' : doing big data in the social sciences
2017 |
Bright, Jonathan |
Sampling methods for online surveys
2017 |
Fricker, Ronald D. |
Online survey software
2017 |
Kaczmirek, Lars |
Improving effectiveness of online data collection by mixing survey modes
2017 |
Dillman, Don A. |
Sentiment analysis for small and big data
2017 |
Thelwall, Mike |
Tools for collaboration in video-based research
2017 |
Hindmarsh, Jon |
Secondary qualitative analysis using online resources
2017 |
Carmichael, Patrick |
Finding and investigating geographical data online
2017 |
Martin, David |
Online research methods and social theory
2017 |
Blank, Grant |
Overview : online surveys
2017 |
Vehovar, Vasja |
Online survey design
2017 |
Toepoel, Vera |
Online tools for content analysis
2017 |
Popping, Roel |
Artificial intelligence/expert systems and online research
2017 |
Brent, Edward |
The blogosphere
2017 |
Hookway, Nicholas |
Mapping spaces : cartographic representation of online data
2017 |
Zook, Matthew |
Social cartography and 'knowing capitalism' : critical reflections on social research and the geo-spatial web
2017 |
Smith, Harrison |
Online research methods in the social sciences : an editorial introduction
2017 |
Lee, Raymond M. |