International and domestic aspects of German group taxation
2014 |
Rödder, Thomas |
Repatriation by foreign investors of profits from German investments
2014 |
Bahns, Jochen |
Taxation of partnership income under German international law
2014 |
Wassermeyer, Franz |
Taxation of real estate investments in Germany
2014 |
Engers, Torsten |
The German investment tax act
2014 |
Mick, Marcus Oliver |
Taxation of royalties between affiliated companies
2014 |
Baumhoff, Hubertus |
Using German tax incentives for nonprofit organizations across national borders
2014 |
Schauhoff, Stephan |
Cross-border reorganizations
2014 |
Rulf, Philipp |
Forms of distribution under German commercial law
2014 |
Giedinghagen, Jan Christian |
Changed criminal tax law framework
2014 |
Randt, Karsten |
Financial statements : disclosure requirements and ways of avoiding them
2014 |
Schmidt, Marc |
Tax Classification of Foreign Legal Entities (`Comparability Test´)
2014 |
Wassermeyer, Wolf |
Controlled foreign company legislation
2014 |
Schönfeld, Jens |
Typical transaction structures for buyout investments in Germany
2014 |
Oltmanns, Martin |
German income taxation of foreign partners in German trading partnership
2014 |
Sieker, Klaus |
German tax aspects in M&A transactions
2014 |
Kutt, Florian |
Tax aspects of corporate financing
2014 |
Rogall, Matthias |
Business restructurings
2014 |
Greinert, Markus |
Foreign reorganizations with a connection to the German tax net
2014 |
Schumacher, Andreas |
Specific features of tax accounting in Germany
2014 |
Herzig, Norbert |