Spells pleasing to God : the binding of Isaac in Philo the epic poet
2001 |
Collins, John J. |
The problem of the apusia of Jesus in the Synoptic resurrection traditions
2001 |
Park, Eung Chun |
Jesus and the lady of the abyss (Mark 5:25-34) : Hieros Gamos, cosmogony, and the elixir of life
2001 |
Kotansky, Roy D. |
Garment-metaphors : the old and the new human being
2001 |
Dahl, Nils Alstrup |
Discerning the body. Early Christian sex and other apocryphal acts
2001 |
Droge, Arthur J. |
Vision and violence : theories of vision and Matthew 5:27-30
2001 |
Duff, Paul B. |
Invective against Paul (2 Cor 10:10), the physiognomics of the ancient slave body, and the Greco-Roman rhetoric of manhood
2001 |
Harrill, J. Albert |
The gods in transit : narratives of cult transfer
2001 |
Gebhard, Elizabeth R. |
Theological interpretation of the New Testament and the history of religions : some reflections in the light of Galatians 5:17
2001 |
Riches, John Kenneth |
Discerning the body : early Christian sex and other Apocryphal Acts
2001 |
Droge, Arthur J. |
Reconciled to glory in Corinth? : 2 Cor 2:14-7:4
2001 |
Wire, Antoinette Clark |
The structure of eucharistic prayers
2001 |
Grant, Robert McQueen |
Jesus' action in Herod's temple
2001 |
Collins, Adela Yarbro |
Choice in Epictetus' philosophy
2001 |
Asmis, Elizabeth |
A collection of curses against kilns : (Homeric "Epigram" 13.7-23)
2001 |
Faraone, Christopher A. |
The "pre-existent form" (Präexistenz-Form) of Christianity : philological observations concerning Nietzsche's early construction of the history of ancient religions
2001 |
Cancik, Hubert |
Paul and ritual theory : the case of the "Lord's supper" in 1 Corinthians 10 and 11
2001 |
Gruenwald, Ithamar |
Reading rhetoric with patristic exegetes : John Chrysostom on Galatians
2001 |
Mitchell, Margaret Mary |
Hans Dieter Betz bibliography : (to october 2000)
2001 |
Abraham, ancestor or archetype? : a comparison of Abraham-language in 4 Maccabees and Luke-Acts
2001 |
Seim, Turid Karlsen |