Ageing and changing : international historical perspectives on ageing
2005 |
Achenbaum, W. Andrew |
Gender dimensions of the age shift
2005 |
Arber, Sara |
Migration and older people
2005 |
Longino, Charles F. |
Gerontological nursing : the state of the art
2005 |
McCormack, Brendan |
Delivering effective social/ long term care to older people
2005 |
Davies, Bleddyn |
Delivering care to older people at home
2005 |
Larsson, Kristina |
Long term care
2005 |
Kane, Robert L. |
Managed care in the United States and United Kingdom
2005 |
Kane, Robert L. |
Healthcare rationing : is age a proper criterion?
2005 |
Meulen, Ruud H. J. ter |
Adaptation to new technologies
2005 |
Charness, Neil |
Ageing and public policy in ethnically diverse societies
2005 |
Torres-Gil, Fernando M. |
Mobility and falls
2005 |
Kenny, Rose Anne |
Cultural approaches to the ageing body
2005 |
Gilleard, Chris |
Promoting health and wellbeing in later life
2005 |
Stähelin, Hannes B. |
Intelligence and wisdom
2005 |
Sternberg, Robert J. |
Elder abuse in developing nations
2005 |
Daichman, Lia Susana |
Global ageing and challenges to families
2005 |
Lowenstein, Ariela |
Generational memory and family relationships
2005 |
Attias-Donfut, Claudine |
Network dynamics in later life
2005 |
The social construction of old age as a problem
2005 |
Johnson, Malcolm Lewis |