La violence des jeunes en regard des nouvelles socialisations
2003 |
Born, Michel |
Juvenile Crime prevention strategies in Estonia
2003 |
Markina, Anna |
Self-reported substance usw and delinquent behavior among Croatian youth
2003 |
Šakić, Vlado |
Hooligan violence: a study on its prevalence, origins, and prevention
2003 |
Lösel, Friedrich |
L' enfant déviant: rôle de l'école républicaine française dans la conceptualisation de l'anormalité (1880-1914)
2003 |
Mercier, Bénédicte |
Mineurs en détention provisoire: Trop souvent une forme de violence étatique
2003 |
Dunant, André |
Restorative justice for juveniles in Belgium
2003 |
Dijk, Catherine van |
Rapports sur les développements et les problèmes de la violence juvénile en France
2003 |
Bailleau, Francis |
Youth justice objectives for England and Wales
2003 |
Giller, Henri |
Police and judicial reactions to youth crime - The situation in the Netherlands
2003 |
Laan, Peter H. van der |
First results from a survey on violence among students in Pilsen in the Czech Republic
2003 |
Válková, Helena |
Neo-nazis and their enemies: conflict and polarisation among youth groups in a Norwegian city
2003 |
Bjørgo, Tore |
Different forms of youth violence in Slovenia - causes and prevention
2003 |
Filipčič, Katja |
Early developmental prevention of aggression and delinquency
2003 |
Lösel, Friedrich |
Crime prevention and the protection of rights
2003 |
Dünkel, Frieder |
Experiences of violence, social orientations and risk factors among juveniles in the Hanseatic City of Greifswald, 1998-2002: findings of an empirical longitudinal study about the conditions of life and delinquency of juveniles
2003 |
Dünkel, Frieder |
Antisocial student behaviour and feelings of unsafety among teachers
2003 |
Vettenburg, Nicole |
Criminal youth violence and its prevention in the Russian federation and in the Krasnoyarsk territory
2003 |
Tarbagaev, Alexei |
Family group conferences in Belgium
2003 |
Vanfraechen, Inge |
Sentencing juvenile violent offenders in East- and West-Germany - 10 years after the reunification
2003 |
Dünkel, Frieder |