Steel industry restructuring and location
2015 |
Giarratani, Frank |
The evolving geography of the US motor vehicle industry
2013 |
Klier, Thomas H. |
The changing geography of the European auto industry
2013 |
Bentley, Gill |
Project-based industries and craft-like production : structure, location and performance
2013 |
Doeringer, Peter B. |
Innovation, industry evolution and cross-sectoral skill transfer in the video game industry : a three-country study
2013 |
Aoyama, Yuko |
Museums in the neighbourhood : the local economic impact of museums
2013 |
Sheppard, Stephen |
Spinoff regions : entrepreneurial emergence and regional development in second-tier high-technology regions ; observations from the Oregon and Idaho electronics sectors
2013 |
Mayer, Heike |
The importance of the water management sector in Dutch agriculture and the wider economy
2013 |
Bruinsma, Frank |
Offshore assembly and service industries in Latin America
2013 |
Echeverri-Carroll, Elsie |
The geography of research and development activity in the US
2013 |
Buzard, Kristy |
The changing structure of the global agribusiness sector
2013 |
Rama, Ruth |
The global air transport industry : a comparative analysis of network structures in major continental regions
2013 |
Reynolds-Feighan, Aisling |
Innovation in New Zealand : issues of firm size, local market size and economic geography
2013 |
Hong, Shangqin |
Location, control and firm innovation : the case of the mobile handset industry
2013 |
Mudambi, Ram |
Social capital and the development of industrial clusters : the northwest Ohio greenhouse cluster
2013 |
Carroll, Michael C. |
R&D, knowledge, economic growth and the transatlantic productivity gap
2013 |
Ortega-Argilés, Raquel |
Spatial divisions of labor : how key worker profiles vary for the same industry in different regions
2013 |
Markusen, Ann R. |
How has information technology use shaped the geography of economic activity?
2013 |
Forman, Christopher |
Computational structure for linking life cycle assessment and input-output modeling : a case study on urban recycling and remanufacturing
2013 |
Cooper, Joyce |
They are industrial districts, but not as we know them!
2013 |
Belussi, Fiorenza |