David B. Truman, the governmental process : political interests and public opinion
2015 |
Grant, Wyn |
Robert K. Merton et al., a reader in bureaucracy
2015 |
Page, Edward C. |
Harold D. Lasswell, the decision process : seven categories of functional analysis
2015 |
Ronit, Karsten |
Charles E. Lindblom, "the science of muddling through"
2015 |
Migone, Andrea |
George J. Stigler, "the theory of economic regulation"
2015 |
Carrigan, Christopher |
James Q. Wilson, bureaucracy : what government agencies do and why they do it
2015 |
Gormley, William T. |
Ian Ayres and John Braithwaite, responsive regulation : transcending the deregulation debate
2015 |
Lodge, Martin |
Herbert Kaufman, the forest ranger : a study in administrative behavior
2015 |
Lynn, Laurence E. |
Aaron Wildavsky, the politics of the budgetary process
2015 |
Wehner, Joachim |
Michael D. Cohen, James G. March, and Johan P. Olsen, "a garbage can model of organizational choice"
2015 |
Jann, Werner |
Michael Lipsky, street-level bureaucracy : dilemmas of the individual in public service
2015 |
Gilson, Lucy |
Mathew D. McCubbins, Roger G. Noll, and Barry R. Weingast, "administrative procedures as instruments of political control"
2015 |
Gailmard, Sean |
Fritz W. Scharpf, "the joint-decision trap : lessons from German federalism and European integration"
2015 |
Windhoff-Héritier, Adrienne |
Christopher Hood, "a public management for all seasons?"
2015 |
Lægreid, Per |
Peter A. Hall and David Soskice, varieties of capitalism : the institutional foundations of comparative advantage
2015 |
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard |
C. Wright Mills, the power elite
2015 |
Genieys, William |
E.E. Schattschneider, the semi-sovereign people : a realist's view of democracy in America
2015 |
Studlar, Donley T. |
Michel Crozier, the bureaucratic phenomenon
2015 |
Bezes, Philippe |
Mancur Olson, the logic of collective action : public goods and the theory of groups
2015 |
Lowery, David |
Hugh Heclo, "issue networks and the executive establishment"
2015 |
Schneider, Volker |