The role of the international prosecutor as a custodian of global morality
2015 |
Thompson, Bankole |
Selecting cases at the International Criminal Tribunal ofor Rwanda
2015 |
Schabas, William |
Justice Hassan Bubacar Jallow's contribution to international criminal justice : an OTP perspektive
2015 |
Obote-Odora, Alex |
Justice for the United Nations : a quiet revolution?
2015 |
Robertson, Geoffrey |
Justice Hassan Bubacar Jallow and gender justice in international criminal prosecutions
2015 |
Mugwanya, George William |
Permissibility of convictions for genocide and conspiracy to commit genocide in respect of the same events
2015 |
Boed, Roman |
Borrowing international human rights law : some examples from the doctrine of the margin of appreciation in the African charter on human and peoples' rights
2015 |
Murray, Rachel |
The legacy of international and hybrid courts : are human rights more respected?
2015 |
Tolbert, David |
The Taylor case : aiding and abetting, "specific direction" and the possibility of negligence liability for remote offenders
2015 |
Mégret, Frédéric |
The law and politics of the Charles Taylor cas
2015 |
Jalloh, Charles |
Monitoring and the refferral of criminal cases between jusridictions : an ICTR contribution to best practice
2015 |
Harrington, Joanna |
The ICC's twelfth anniversary crisis : growing pains or institutional deficiency?
2015 |
Bassiouni, M. Cherif |
Challenging impunity for crimes of sexual violence : the efforts of prosecutor Jallow to set the record straight
2015 |
Bianchi, Linda |
Transfer of cases under the jurisprudence of the ICTR and lessons learnt for the ICC
2015 |
Marong, Alhagi B.M. |
From coup reaction to coup prevention
2015 |
Waters, Christopher P. M. |
The experience of the office of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda concerning arrest strategies and lessons learnt for the office of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court
2015 |
Mochochoko, Phakise |
Protection of populations against atrocity crimes : $the role of regional organizations
2015 |
Sadat, Leila Nadya |
African languages in international criminal justice : the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and beyon
2015 |
Swigart, Leigh |
An unbreakable thread? : The presumption of innocence in international law
2015 |
Khan, Karim A.A. |
Cumulative charges under international criminal law : issues and perspectives
2015 |
Majola, Bongani Co |