Revitalizing universities by reinvventing the social sciences : Bildung and action research
2011 |
Levin, Morten |
Feminist qualitative research in the millenium's first decade : developments, challenges, prospects
2011 |
Olesen, Virginia L. |
Disability communities : transformative research for social justice
2011 |
Mertens, Donna M. |
Case study
2011 |
Flyvbjerg, Bent |
What is qualitative health research?
2011 |
Morse, Janice M. |
Visual methodology : toward a more seeing research
2011 |
Prosser, Jon |
The methods, politics, and ethics of representation in online ethnography
2011 |
Gatson, Sarah N. |
Analyzing talk and text
2011 |
Peräkylä, Anssi |
Reflections on interpretive adequacy in qualitative research
2011 |
Altheide, David L. |
Evaluation as a relationally responsible practice
2011 |
Abma, Tineke A. |
Post qualitative research : the critique and the coming after
2011 |
St. Pierre, Elizabeth Adams |
The discipline and practice of qualitative research
2011 |
Denzin, Norman K. |
Ethics and politics in qualitative research
2011 |
Christians, Clifford G. |
Ethics, research regulations, and critical social science
2011 |
Cannella, Gaile S. |
Critical pedagogy and qualitative research : moving the bricolage
2011 |
Kincheloe, Joe L. |
Critical humanism and queer theory : living with the tensions
2011 |
Plummer, Kenneth |
Controversies in mixed methods research
2011 |
Creswell, John W. |
Braiding narrative ethnography with memoir and creative nonfiction
2011 |
Tedlock, Barbara |
The constructionist analytics of interpretive practice
2011 |
Holstein, James A. |
Narrative inquiry : still a field in the making
2011 |
Chase, Susan E. |