The sociology of international constitutionalism
2013 |
Bryde, Brun-Otto |
The prohibition of discriminatory torture in international law
2013 |
Dewulf, Steven |
La Cour internationale de Justice face au droit international des droits de l'homme
2013 |
Hennebel, Ludovic |
The Belgian Constitutional Court : a satellite of the ECtHR?
2013 |
Lavrysen, Luc |
Droits de l'homme et immunités des États et des organisations internationales
2013 |
Leclercq, Jean-François |
Why the Strasbourg judges, like Odysseus, should tie themselves to the mast
2013 |
Zwart, Tom |
Some reflections on the reform of the European Court of Human Rights
2013 |
Ergeç, Rusen |
The Arab awakening : a wake-up call for the UN Human Rights Council
2013 |
Joosten, Véronique |
Human rights protection through judicial dialogue between national constitutional courts and the European Court of Justice
2013 |
Lenaerts, Koen |
Prisoners' right to vote : the Hirst case law of the European Court of Human Rights and its application by the Belgian Constitutional Court
2013 |
Muylle, Koen |
Les immunités de droit international et la rupture de l'égalité devant les charges publiques
2013 |
Salmon, Jean J. A. |
Towards abolition of the death penalty in international human rights law
2013 |
Shelton, Dinah |
Travaux préparatoires of human rights instruments
2013 |
Schabas, William |
Activism at the admissibility stage : a threat to the subsidiary role of the European Court of Human Rights?
2013 |
Sottiaux, Stefan |
The United Nations system for the protection of human rights : what is happening to the principle of universality?
2013 |
Sybesma-Knol, Neri |
Human rights protection in fragile states and post-conflict environments : what role for international norms and actors? A case study on Burundi
2013 |
Vandeginste, Stef |
What role for the constitutional judge in times of multilevel human rights protection? : The Money Laundering Directive as an example
2013 |
Van de Heyning, Catherine |
The Court of Luxembourg acting as an asylum court
2013 |
De Baere, Geert |
La protection des droit fondamentaux en Europe : à quand un cours d'harmonie?
2013 |
Delpérée, Francis |
Nationals, EU citizens and foreigners : rethinking discrimination on grounds of nationality in EU law
2013 |
Witte, Bruno de |