Social movements and biodiversity on the pacific coast of Colombia
2008 |
Escobar, Arturo |
The state, the community, and natural calamities in rural Mozambique
2008 |
Borges Coelho, Joao Paulo |
The U'wa community's battle against the oil companies : a local struggle turned global
2008 |
Arenas, Luis Carlos |
Pepole-based globalization
2008 |
Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziabher |
Can we protect traditional knowledge?
2008 |
Flórez Alonso, Margarita |
"When there are no problems, we are healthy, no bad luck, nothing" : towards an emancipatory understanding of health and medicine
2008 |
Meneses, Maria Paula |
Biodiversity, intellectual property rights, and globalization
2008 |
Shiva, Vandana |
Globalization, multiculturalism, and law
2008 |
Ghai, Yash P. |
Marginalized medical practice : the marginalization and transformation of indigenous medicines in South Africa
2008 |
Xaba, Thokozani |
High-tech plundering, biodiversity, and cultural erosion : the case of Brazil
2008 |
Santos, Laymert Garcia dos |
Legal pluralism, social movements and the post-colonial state in India : fractured sovereignty and differential citizenship rights
2008 |
Randeria, Shalini |
The struggles for land demarcation by the indigenous peoples of Brazil
2008 |
Neves, Lino João de Oliveira |
Human rights as an emancipatory script? : cultural and political conditions
2008 |
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa |
Multiculturalism and collective rights
2008 |
Souza Filho, Carlos Frederico Marés de |
Between cosmology and system : the heuretics of a dissenting imagination
2008 |
Visvanathan, Shiv |