Global Prayers, Migration, Post-migration
2014 |
Schiffauer, Werner |
There is no answer to any of these things : Religious street politics in Teheran 1978ff.
2014 |
Schäfer, Sandra |
Cemetry State
2014 |
De Boeck, Filip |
2014 |
Rustom, Joseph |
Observing religion, performing politics : The Chhath Puja and the Ganpati Mahotsav in Mumbai
2014 |
Jose, George |
The vision god gave the pastor
2014 |
Vergara, Camilo José |
Cities between heaven and hell
2014 |
Bittner, Regina |
Stripped religion industries : Nigerian perspectives on Las Vegas, and back again
2014 |
Becker, Jochen |
The arab "spring" and the rise of the fundamentalist city
2014 |
AlSayyad, Nezar |
Secular resistance and first post-secular steps : How Berlin deals with global prayers
2014 |
Schiffauer, Werner |
Redeeming urban spaces : The ambivalence of building a pentecostal city in Lagos, Nigeria
2014 |
Ukah, Asonzeh Franklin-Kennedy |
Ruins and construction, crucifixes and flags : The political-sectarian spatiality of a frontier in Beirut
2014 |
Bou Akar, Hiba |
Worshiping at the Golden Age Hotel : Transnational networks, economy, religion, and migration of the Congolese in Istanbul
2014 |
Heck, Gerda |
Global prayers - Posters
2014 |
From Padre Mugica to Santa Muerte? Liberation spirits and religious mutations in urban space in Latin America
2014 |
Huffschmid, Anne |
Mass-produced faith
2014 |
Sharma, Surabhi |
On "speaking in tongues" : Experiences of researching religious practices
2014 |
Becker, Jochen |
Gheee-Zuss : The sonic materialities of belief
2014 |
Ismaiel-Wendt, Johannes |
Unfold = negogiate, localize, and assemble. How urban studies can examine religion
2014 |
Färber, Alexa |
On research with global prayers
2014 |
Wildner, Kathrin |