Transformation in Eastern Europe : A challenge for governments in both the East and West
1992 |
Dăianu, Daniel |
Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union seen as problems in economic development
1992 |
Rostow, Walt W. |
A plan for economic growth in Central and Eastern Europe
1992 |
Palmer, Michael |
1992 |
The European Community and Eastern Europe
1992 |
Cameron, Fraser |
The OECD and the transition to a market economy in Central and Eastern Europe
1992 |
Arzeni, Sergio |
The economic situation in the transition countries and its impact on East-West divisions in Europe
1992 |
Vacic, Aleksandar M. |
The European Community and Eastern Europe
1992 |
Portes, Richard |
Danger of a new East-West divide : internal and external tasks from the Hungarian point of view
1992 |
Lőrincné Istvánffy, Hajna |
Hungarian capital accumulation
1992 |
Matolcsy, György |
Stumbling stones on Eastern Europe s way to economic transition
1992 |
Altmann, Franz-Lothar |
The political economy of post-revolutionary Central and Eastern Europe : why the transition from party dictatorship and central administration is so difficult
1992 |
Jackson, Marvin |
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development : what role will it play?
1992 |
Flemming, John Stanton |
The economic situation in the transition countries and its impact on East-West divisions in Europe
1992 |
Vacić, Aleksandar M. |
Linkages between world markets and the Soviet economy
1992 |
Šmelev, Nikolaj Petrovič |
Political obstacles to stabilisation : The case of Yugoslavia
1992 |
Madžar, Ljubomir |
The path of reform in the Soviet Union
1992 |
Macedo, Jorge Braga de |
Monetary policy of economies in transition
1992 |
Duchatczek, Wolfgang |
Economic nationalism and populist economics in Central and Eastern Europe
1992 |
Láng, László |
Problems of creating a market economy in Central Europe
1992 |
Mellár, Tamás |