Les institutions politiques de l'Union et la Cour de justice : le point de vue du conseil
2013 |
Legal, Hubert |
The European Convention on Human Rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union : a process of mutual enrichment
2013 |
Bratza, Nicolas |
The future of the Court of Justice in EU competition law : new role and responsibilities
2013 |
Petit, Nicolas |
The prohibition of discrimination in the Union's layered system of equality law : from early staff cases to the Mangold approach
2013 |
Tobler, Christa |
La jurisprudence de la CJ relative au principe ne bis in idem : une contribution essentielle à la reconnaissance mutuelle en matière pénale
2013 |
Weyembergh, Anne |
La diversité de la culture juridique européenne et la prise de décision au sein de la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne
2013 |
Christianos, Vassili |
Une vue outre-atlantique de la Cour et de sa jurisprudence
2013 |
Bermann, George A. |
La Cour de justice et le Parlement europeen
2013 |
Pennera, Christian |
Le principe de l'effet utile du droit de l'Union dans la jurisprudence de la Cour
2013 |
Vilaça, José Luis da Cruz |
Nationality and third-country nationals
2013 |
Ziemele, Ineta |
Citizenship of the Union and the area of justice : (almost) the Court's moment of glory
2013 |
Barnard, Catherine |
Direct taxation and the free movement of persons
2013 |
Raitio, Juha |
The Court of Justice and the Common Foreign and Security Policy
2013 |
Griller, Stefan |
L' évolution de l'architecture juridictionelle de l'Union européenne
2013 |
Rodríguez Iglesias, Gil Carlos |
The Court of Justice in the twenty-first century : challenges ahead for the judicial system?
2013 |
Jacobs, Francis Geoffrey |
When sovereignity means so much : the concept(s) of sovereignity, European Union membership and the interpretation of the constitution of the Republic of Poland
2013 |
Wyrzykowski, Mirosław |
Principes d'attribution, de subsidiarité et d'identité nationale des Etats membres
2013 |
Delmas-Marty, Mireille |
To decide or not to decide : on the political theology of Simmenthal, Lyckeskog et al.
2013 |
Procházka, Radoslav |
Bifurcated justice : the dual character of judicial protection in EU law
2013 |
Tridimas, Takis |
The right to effective judicial protection and remedies in the EU
2013 |
Pernice, Ingolf |