Perspective of the newly independent states on the binding quality of international law
1987 |
Sinha, Surya Prakash |
International law, dispute settlement and regional organizations in the African setting
1987 |
Amankwah, H. A. |
The norm-creating effect of a General Assembly resolution on transnational corporations
1987 |
Bergman, Mark S. |
UNCTAD's failures : the rich get richer
1987 |
Ramsay, Robert |
Developing countries and the Tokyo Round
1987 |
Ibrahim, Tigani E. |
Making sense of the IMF conditionality debate
1987 |
Pirzio-Biroli, Corrado |
Adapting international law to the development of the Third World
1987 |
Flory, Maurice |
UNCTAD : current legislative activities
1987 |
Attitude of the Asian-African states toward certain problems of international law
1987 |
Anand, Ram P. |
The United States action in Grenada : reflections on the lawfulness of invasion
1987 |
Joyner, Christopher C. |
The Organization of African Unity and the concept of non-interference in internal affairs of member-states
1987 |
Akinyemi, A. B. |
Wars of national liberation and the laws of war
1987 |
Abi-Saab, Georges |
The international status of national liberation movements
1987 |
Shaw, Malcolm N. |
The emerging international economic order
1987 |
Agrawala, S. K. |
The IMF and basic needs conditionality
1987 |
Gerster, Richard |
The new world information order : a legal framework for debate
1987 |
Holzberg, Bryan J. |
Telecommunications, outer space, and the New International Information Order (NIIO)
1987 |
Christol, Carl Quimby |
International law and the exploitation of outer space : a new market for private enterprise?
1987 |
Williams, Sylvia Maureen |
Towards a Third World approach to non-intervention : through the labyrinth of Western doctrine
1987 |
Chimni, B. S. |
The status and norms of self-determination in contemporary international law
1987 |
Chowdhury, Sunetra |