Towards a Third World approach to non-intervention : through the labyrinth of Western doctrine
1987 |
Chimni, B. S. |
The status and norms of self-determination in contemporary international law
1987 |
Chowdhury, Sunetra |
Violations of human rights in the Third World : responsibility of states and TNCs
1987 |
Gutto, Shadrack |
Human rights and human dignity : an analytic critique of non-Western conceptions of human rights
1987 |
Donnelly, Jack |
Redressing global injustices : the role of law
1987 |
Ferguson, C. Clyde |
The Tokyo Round and the developing countries
1987 |
Balassa, Béla A. |
Producers' associations of developing countries
1987 |
Hanisch, Rolf |
The international law of multinational corporations : a critique of American legal doctrines
1987 |
Abi-Saab, Georges |
The juridical regulation of transnational enterprises
1987 |
Siqueiros Prieto., José Luis |
Sovereignty over natural resources and the search for a new international economic order
1987 |
Zakariya, Hasan S. |
Negotiating a new world order for the sea
1987 |
Koh, Tommy |
The Convention on the Law of the Sea : a preliminary appraisal
1987 |
Pardo, Arvid |
Antarctica : the last great land rush on earth
1987 |
Peterson, Maurice J. |
The International Court of Justice : a proposal to amend its statute
1987 |
Anwar-i-Qadeer |
Human rights in Asia and Africa
1987 |
Khushalani, Yougindra |
Stability of contractual relations in the transnational investment process
1987 |
Asante, Samuel K. B. |
Attitude of the Asian-African states toward certain problems of international law
1987 |
Anand, Ram P. |
The United States action in Grenada : reflections on the lawfulness of invasion
1987 |
Joyner, Christopher C. |
The Organization of African Unity and the concept of non-interference in internal affairs of member-states
1987 |
Akinyemi, A. B. |
Wars of national liberation and the laws of war
1987 |
Abi-Saab, Georges |