Is the president bound by the supreme law of the land? : foreign affairs and national security reexamined
1985 |
Paust, Jordan J. |
Compliance in the international system
1985 |
Young, Oran R. |
The reports of the death of article 2(4) are greatly exaggerated
1985 |
Henkin, Louis |
Wars of national liberation and the laws of war
1985 |
Abi-Saab, Georges |
Sharing the world's resources
1985 |
Schachter, Oscar |
State responsibility for environmental protection and preservation
1985 |
Schneider, Jan |
The role of domestic courts as agencies of the international legal order
1985 |
Kratochwil, Friedrich V. |
The Grotian tradition in international law
1985 |
Lauterpacht, Hersch |
Law and national security
1985 |
Moore, John Norton |
Destination embargo of Arab oil : its legality under international law
1985 |
Shihata, Ibrahim F. I. |
The role of enforcement of just law in the establishment of a new international order : a proposal for a transnational police force
1985 |
Johansen, Robert C. |
Who killed article 2(4)? : or: changing norms governing the use of force by states
1985 |
Franck, Thomas |
Emerging human rights : a new generation for the 1980s?
1985 |
Marks, Stephen P. |
UNCLOS and the redistribution of ocean wealth
1985 |
Wijkman, Per Magnus |
The structure of impartiality
1985 |
Franck, Thomas |
Global bargaining : the legal and diplomatic framework
1985 |
Gottlieb, Gidon |
The Grotian quest
1985 |
Falk, Richard A. |
Introduction to world peace through world law
1985 |
Clark, Grenville |
Poverty of international order
1985 |
Bedjaoui, Mohammed |
International codification : interpreting the last half-century
1985 |
Onuf, Nicholas Greenwood |