Als Christ zusammen mit Gleichgültigen und Ungläubigen das Evangelium entdecken : Hollenweger als Theologe = Discovering the gospel as Christians in cooperation with the "indifferent" and unbelievers
1992 |
Friedli, Richard |
The black roots of pentecostalism
1992 |
MacRobert, Iain |
Pentecostalism in Korea
1992 |
Yoo, Boo-Woong |
Signs, wonders, and statistics in the world of today
1992 |
Barrett, David B. |
Ecumenical, evangelical and pentecostal/charismatic views on mission as a movement of the holy spirit
1992 |
Jongeneel, Jan A. B. |
Allegiance, truth and power enounters in Christian witness
1992 |
Kraft, Charles H. |
Charismatic renewal in the Roman Catholic Church : reception and challenge
1992 |
Hocken, Peter |
The magpies gotta know : Hollenweger as an ecumenical
1992 |
Ustorf, Werner |
Die Bibel, verkündigt und ausgelegt in Wort, Musik, Tanz und Spiel : Hollenweger als Dichterund Liturgiker = The bible proclaimed and interpreted in word, music, dance and play
1992 |
Heuberger-Gloor, Marianne |
William H. Durham and the finished work of Calvary
1992 |
Faupel, D. William |
The social concern of early American pentecostalism
1992 |
Robeck, Cecil M. |
Ecumenical theology and pentecostalism
1992 |
Staples, Peter |
Walter J. Hollenweger : a pluriform life
1992 |
Laan, Paul N. van den |
Theological education in black and white : the Centre for Black and White Christian Partnership (1978-1985)
1992 |
Gerloff, Roswith I. H. |
Thomas B. Barratt and Byposten : an early European pentecostal leader and his periodical
1992 |
Bundy, David D. |
Discerning the body : analysis of pentecostalism in the Netherlands
1992 |
Laan, Cornelis van der |
Global plans in the pentecostal/charismatic tradition and the challenge of the unevangelized world
1992 |
Johnson, Todd M. |
The church at play : the pentecostal/charismatic renewal of the liturgy as renewal of the world
1992 |
Suurmond, Jean-Jacques |
Helping the ecumenical movement to move on : Hollenweger and the rediscovery of the value of diversity
1992 |
Conway, D. Martin |
Hollenweger as professor of mission
1992 |
Lartey, Emmanuel Yartekwei |