The limits of interpretation of the Strasbourg Court and the principle of non-regression
2011 |
Chirdaris, Vassilis |
The European Court of Human Rights and international humanitarian law
2011 |
Costa, Jean-Paul |
Vers la reconnaissance d'un droit d'accès aux informations détenues par les autorités
2011 |
Diamanturos, Nikēphoros |
Judge Rozakis's separate opinions and the Strasbourg dilemma
2011 |
Letsas, George |
La compétence de la Cour pour surveiller l'exécution de ses propres arrêts
2011 |
Malinverni, Giorgio |
Mémoires d'un juge ad hoc
2011 |
Martens, Paul |
The role of precedent in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights
2011 |
Popović, Dragoljub |
Dissenting opinions in the European Court of Human Rights
2011 |
Rukunas, Emmanuēl I. |
The individual as a catalyst for change in international law : interactions between general international law and human rights
2011 |
Sicilianos, Linos-Alexandre |
Reparation orders by international human rights bodies : financial compensation or restitutio in integrum?
2011 |
Tomuschat, Christian |
Terre, air, mer; jusqu'où s'étend la juridiction des États dans le système de la Convention? : Quelques réflexions sur la compétence territoriale de la Cour
2011 |
Tsirli, Marialena |
The Court's evolving response to the states' failure to cooperate
2011 |
Chernishova, Olga |
The future of the Court after Interlaken
2011 |
Fribergh, Erik |
Illegally obtained evidence in criminal cases : an analysis on the basis of three Grand Chamber judgments
2011 |
Jebens, Sverre Erik |
The protection of forum internum under article 9 of the ECHR
2011 |
Ktistakēs, Giannēs |
Administrative justice in Lithuania : some aspects from the perspectives of the European Convention on Human Rights
2011 |
Jočienė, Danutė |
Work and the European Convention on Human Rights : a dynamic relationship in need of justification
2011 |
Mantouvalou, Virginia |
Union européenne et Convention européenne des droits de l'homme après Lisbonne
2011 |
Raimondi, Guido |
The right to protection of reputation under the European Convention on Human Rights
2011 |
Spielmann, Dean |
Is there a general right of non-disclosure?
2011 |
Tsakyrakis, Stavros |