Regulation and regulatory governance
2011 |
Lēwî-Faur, Dāwid |
Voluntary programms, compliance and the regulation dilemma
2011 |
Potoski, Matthew |
The institutional development of Latin American regulatory state
2011 |
Jordana, Jacint |
Policymaking accountability : parliamentary versus presidential systems
2011 |
Rose-Ackerman, Susan |
The regulatory rescue of the welfare state
2011 |
Mabbett, Deborah |
The regulation of privacy
2011 |
Busch, Andreas |
Risk regulation and precaution
2011 |
Pesendorfer, Dieter |
The pragmatic politics of regulatory enforcement
2011 |
Coslovsky, Salo |
The new regulatory orthodoxy : a critical assessment
2011 |
Christensen, Tom |
Valuing health and longevity in regulatory analysis : current issues and challenges
2011 |
Robinson, Lisa A. |
Certification as a mode of social regulation
2011 |
Bartley, Tim |
Voluntary approaches to regulation - patterns, causes, and effects
2011 |
Töller, Annette Elisabeth |
European regulatory governance
2011 |
Eckert, Sandra |
The changing nature of European regulatory governance
2011 |
Cardwell, Paul James |
Regulating in global regimes
2011 |
Scott, Colin |
The geography of regulation
2011 |
Dowdle, Michael W. |
After the fall : regulatory lessons from the global financial crisis
2011 |
Cioffi, John W. |
Beyond capture : towards a new theory of regulation
2011 |
Croley, Steven P. |
Competing theories of regulatory governance : reconsidering publik interest theory of regulation
2011 |
Christensen, Jørgen Grønnegård |
The rise of the American regulatory state : a view from the progessive era
2011 |
Law, Marc T. |