Typology in development theory : retrospective and prospects
1984 |
Ranis, Gustav |
Step-by-step liberalization of a controlled economy : experience in Egypt
1984 |
Clark, Paul G. |
Growth with limited supplies of foreign exchange : a reappraisal of the two-gap model
1984 |
Bacha, Edmar L. |
Adjustment policies and development strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1973-1978
1984 |
Balassa, Béla A. |
"The interdepence of investment decisions" revisited
1984 |
Westphal, Larry E. |
The Chenery analysis and some other considerations
1984 |
Mason, Edward S. |
Patterns of economic growth, 1850-1914, or Chenery-Syrquin in historical perspective
1984 |
Adelman, Irma |
Development problems of the mineral-rich countries
1984 |
Lewis, Stephen R. |
The future of incomes policies
1984 |
Tinbergen, Jan |
Reciprocal trade growth : the Latin American integration experience
1984 |
Fishlow, Albert |
Equilibrium and prices in multisector models
1984 |
Ginsburgh, Victor |
On the uses and abuses of economywide models in development policy analysis
1984 |
Bell, Clive |
Consequences of changes in subsidy policy : the Egyptian case
1984 |
Eckaus, Richard S. |
A multisector approach to global econometric modeling, with special reference to heavy industries
1984 |
Shishido, Shuntaro |
Resource reallocation and productivity growth
1984 |
Syrquin, Moshé |
Class alliances and surplus labor time
1984 |
Bowles, Samuel |
Some elements of a Marxist theory of socialist economic development
1984 |
Gurley, John G. |
Comparative advantage and development policy 20 years later
1984 |
Krueger, Anne O. |
Urbanization and income distribution : the case of Taiwan, 1966-1980
1984 |
Kuo, Shirley W. Y. |
North-South trade, capital flows, and economic growth : an almost neoclassical model
1984 |
Manne, Alan Sussmann |