The climate regime : achievements and challenges
2011 |
Andresen, Steinar |
Globalisation and challenges for the maritime Arctic
2011 |
Brigham, Lawson W. |
The European Union and the challenges of marine governance : from sectoral response to integrated policy?
2011 |
Churchill, Robin R. |
High seas fisheries today : challenges and remedies under the global economy
2011 |
Yagi, Nobuyuki |
High seas fisheries management : reflections on experience with regional fisheries management organisations in the South Pacific
2011 |
Bohemen, Gerard van |
The International Maritime Organization and the protectio of the marine environment
2011 |
Sainlos, Jean Claude |
Ballast water and alien species : regulating global transfers and regional consequences
2011 |
Vidas, Davor |
Impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems
2011 |
Le Maho, Yvon |
Mare liberum or mare restrictum? : Challenges for the maritime industry
2011 |
Leemans, Eelco |
Regulatory layers in shipping
2011 |
Ringbom, Henrik |
Problems of high seas governance
2011 |
Freestone, David |
The polar oceans and climate change
2011 |
Orheim, Olav |
Climate change and Arctic governance : three images of a changing Arctic
2011 |
Caron, David D. |
Sea-level rise and the law of the sea : future options
2011 |
Hayashi, Moritaka |
Reducing seabird bycatch : from identifying problems to implementing policy
2011 |
Dunn, Euan |
Marine science in the past 25 years : main findings and trends
2011 |
Montgomery, John |
Global shipping and the introduction of alien invasive species
2011 |
Gollasch, Stephan |
Towards further reform of the Common Fisheries Policy
2011 |
Agnew, David J. |
The anthropocene ocean in its deep time context
2011 |
Zalasiewicz, Jan |
Economic uses of the oceans and the impacts on marine environments : past trends and challenges ahead
2011 |
Scheiber, Harry N. |