The influence of the European Court of Human Rights on international criminal tribunals : some methodological remarks
2003 |
Cassese, Antonio |
Impact of human rights conventions on the two ad hoc Tribunals
2003 |
Møse, Erik |
Genetic resources for food and agriculture : International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and other international agreements negotiated through the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
2003 |
Esquinas-Alcázar, José T. |
Business and human rights
2003 |
Weissbrodt, David S. |
National human rights institutions implementing human rights
2003 |
Kjaerum, Morten |
The sources of fundamental rights of the European Union : a structural overview
2003 |
Rosas, Allan |
Human rights for children
2003 |
Smith, Lucy |
Reflections on human rights, sovereignty of states and the principle of non-intervention
2003 |
Türk, Danilo |
The origin and evolution of crimes against humanity : an uneasy encounter between positive law and moral outrage
2003 |
Akhavan, Payam |
Contemporary universal jurisdiction
2003 |
Hall, Christopher Keith |
The first ever international trial on genocide : notes on Akayesu
2003 |
Harhoff, Frederik |
The contemporary protection of minorities
2003 |
Packer, John |
Citizenship and human rights : some thoughts on a complex relationship
2003 |
Butenschøn, Nils A. |
La lutte contre l'impunité
2003 |
Joinet, Louis |
Acts of terrorism and crimes within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court
2003 |
Greve, Hanne Sophie |
How do human rights humanize the law of war?
2003 |
Meron, Theodor |
Protection of kin-minorities : international standards and Russian practice
2003 |
Chernichenko, Stanislav V. |
"Political" and "legal" control mechanisms revisited
2003 |
Boven, Theodoor C. van |
Some reflections on the rules and practices followed by the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
2003 |
Lebakine, Guennadi |
Treatment of persons deprived of liberty : analysis of the Human Rights Committee's case law under Article 10 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
2003 |
Möller, Jakob Th. |