The restraint of war in historical and philosophical perspective
1991 |
Best, Geoffrey |
From reprisals to individual penal responsibility
1991 |
Nahlik, Stanisław Edward |
Topical approaches towards developing the laws of armed conflict at sea
1991 |
Fleck, Dieter |
The merchant vessel as legitimate target in the law of naval welfare
1991 |
Fenrick, William J. |
The treatment of rebels in conflicts of a disputed character : the Anglo-Boer War and the 'Anc-Boer War' compared
1991 |
Dugard, John |
Why the United States of America should ratify Additional Protocol I
1991 |
Aldrich, George H. |
The system of repression of breaches of Additional Protocol I
1991 |
Schutte, Julian J. E. |
The suppression of war crimes under Additional Protocol I
1991 |
Wyngaert, Christine van den |
What one may do in combat ; then and now
1991 |
Green, L. C. |
Implementation measures and international law of arms control
1991 |
Graefrath, Bernhard |
Subscribing to the 'Law of Geneva' as manifestation of self-determination : the case of Palestine
1991 |
Waart, Paul J. I. M. de |
Reliance on norms of humanitarian law by United Nations organs
1991 |
Boven, Theodoor C. van |
Jus ad bellum and jus cogens : Is immortality illegal?
1991 |
Rubin, Alfred P. |
The 1977 Additional Protocols and general international law : some preliminary reflexions
1991 |
Abi-Saab, Georges |
Legal protection of child-combattants after the protocols : Reaffirmation, development or a step backwards?
1991 |
Delissen, Astrid J. M. |
Humanitarain law and internal conflicts : the evolution of legal concern
1991 |
Abi-Saab, Rosemary |
The changing role of international law in the nuclear age : from freedom of the high seas to nuclear-free zones
1991 |
Fujita, Hisakazu |
Transformations in the law of neutrality since 1945
1991 |
Schindler, Dietrich |
Neutrality in naval welfare : what is left of traditional international law?
1991 |
Bothe, Michael |
The obligation to intervene in the domestic affairs of states
1991 |
Schermers, Henry G. |