Why the United States of America should ratify Additional Protocol I
1991 |
Aldrich, George H. |
The system of repression of breaches of Additional Protocol I
1991 |
Schutte, Julian J. E. |
The suppression of war crimes under Additional Protocol I
1991 |
Wyngaert, Christine van den |
What one may do in combat ; then and now
1991 |
Green, L. C. |
Implementation measures and international law of arms control
1991 |
Graefrath, Bernhard |
Subscribing to the 'Law of Geneva' as manifestation of self-determination : the case of Palestine
1991 |
Waart, Paul J. I. M. de |
Reliance on norms of humanitarian law by United Nations organs
1991 |
Boven, Theodoor C. van |
Jus ad bellum and jus cogens : Is immortality illegal?
1991 |
Rubin, Alfred P. |
Pertinence et permanence du droit international humanitaire
1991 |
Sandoz, Yves |
Quelques considérations générales sur l'évolution du droit international humanitaire
1991 |
Wilhelm, René-Jean |
Negotiating the 1977 Additional Protocols : was it a waste of time?
1991 |
Gasser, Hans-Peter |
Customary law status of the 1977 Geneva Protocols
1991 |
Greenwood, Christopher J. |
In the shadowland between civil war and civil strife : some reflections on the standard-setting process
1991 |
Kooijmans, Pieter Hendrik |
Internal strife : applicable norms and a proposed instrument
1991 |
Meron, Theodor |
International humanitarian law and the Security Council Resolutions on the 1990-1991 Gulf Conflict
1991 |
Suy, Eric |
De la Guerre d'Octobre 1973 au conflit du Golfe 1991 : Les appels du CICR pour la protection de la population civile
1991 |
Veuthey, Michel |
How much humanity do terrorists deserve?
1991 |
Stein, Torsten |
Slavery : the past and the present
1991 |
Lachs, Manfred |
The restraint of war in historical and philosophical perspective
1991 |
Best, Geoffrey |
From reprisals to individual penal responsibility
1991 |
Nahlik, Stanisław Edward |