Further ancient law analogies in international law : Maarten Bos
1989 |
Bos, Maarten |
The international protection of human rights and the Jewish question : (a historical survey)
1989 |
Fainberg, Nātān |
The 1969 and the 1986 Conventions on the Law of Treaties : a comparison
1989 |
Silva, Geraldo E. do Nascimento e |
Certain aspects of the legal regime of the high seas
1989 |
Nelson, L. D. M. |
The concept of protection in the international law of human rights
1989 |
Ramcharan, Bertrand G. |
Genocide and international law
1989 |
Shaw, Malcolm N. |
La souverainité, le droit international et la sauvegarde des droits de la personne
1989 |
Sperduti, Giuseppe |
The status of women in humanitarian law
1989 |
Tabory, Mala |
Resignations at the World Court
1989 |
Torres Bernárdez, Santiago |
La conformité au droit de la mer des lignes de base droites tracées par le Canada au nord du 70ème parallèle nord
1989 |
Vignes, Daniel |
Profiry's Proposition : the role of legitimacy and exculpation in combating terrorism
1989 |
Franck, Thomas M. |
Nouvelles réflexions sur la codification du droit international
1989 |
Ago, Roberto |
The presidency of the Security Council and the duty of impartiality
1989 |
Blum, Yehuda Z. |
The present stage in the work of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the strengthening of the role of the organization
1989 |
Broms, Bengt |
La Cour internationale de justice 1946-1986 : les reflexions d'un juge
1989 |
Gros, André |
Liberty of movement within the territory of a state : the contribution of the Committee on Human Rights
1989 |
Higgins, Rosalyn |
International prohibitions against torture and other forms of similar treatment or punishment
1989 |
Macdonald, Ronald St. J. |
Historical dilemmas and contradictions in U.S. attitudes to the World Court : the aftermath of the Nicaragua judgments
1989 |
McWhinney, Edward |
The Convention of the Law of Treaties between states and international organizations or between international organizations
1989 |
Morgenstern, Felice |
The ad hoc chambers of the international court of justice : evalutation after five years of experience
1989 |
Mosler, Hermann |