We refugees
2010 |
Arendt, Hannah |
A reconsideration of the underlying premise of refugee law
2010 |
Hathaway, James C. |
Transnational judicial dialogue, harmonization and the Common European Asylum System
2010 |
Lambert, Hélène |
Territorial asylum
2010 |
Weis, Paul |
UNHCR's contribution to the development of internationale refugee law : its foundations and evolution
2010 |
Lewis, Corinne |
The politics of refugee protection
2010 |
Goodwin-Gill, Guy S. |
Troubled communication : cross-cultural misunderstandings in the asylum-hearing
2010 |
Kälin, Walter |
Non-refoulement and the new asylum seekers
2010 |
Goodwin-Gill, Guy S. |
Refugee law, gender, and the human rights paradigm
2010 |
Anker, Deborah E. |
The cross-fertilization of international humanitarian law and international refugee law
2010 |
Jaquemet, Stéphane |
Is Europe living up to its obligations to refugees?
2010 |
Gilbert, Geoff |
Reforming the international refugee regime : a dialogic model
2010 |
Chimni, B. S. |
Human security and the rights of refugees : transcending territorial and disciplinary borders
2010 |
Edwards, Alice |
The end of asylum? : The changing nature of refugee policies in Africa
2010 |
Rutinwa, Bonaventure |
The Europeanisation of Europe's asylum policy
2010 |
Guild, Elspeth |
Understanding refugee law in an enlarged European Union
2010 |
Byrne, Rosemary |
Who is a refugee?
2010 |
Shacknove, Andrew E. |
Revitalizing the 1951 Refugee Convention
2010 |
Fitzpatrick, Joan |
Seeking asylum under the Convention on the Rights of the Child : a case for complementary protection
2010 |
McAdam, Jane |
Free movement and the world order
2010 |
Juss, Satvinder S. |