The United Nations Intellectual History Project and the role of ideas
2011 |
Baert, Francis |
Unravelling the political role of experts and expertise in the professional services industry
2011 |
Wigger, Angela |
Civil society and NGO : far from unproblematic concepts
2011 |
Götz, Norbert |
Limitations of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations
2011 |
Dijkzeul, Dennis |
Reporting and peer review in the implementation of international rules : what role for non-state actors?
2011 |
Conzelmann, Thomas |
Accountability of public and private international organizations
2011 |
Charnovitz, Steve |
Non-state actors and the proliferation and individualization of international dispute settlement
2011 |
Brabandere, Eric de |
Non-state actors in the development aid world as seen from South
2011 |
Basu, Moushumi |
Non-state actors in the global health world
2011 |
Hough, Peter |
Parliaments and parliamentarians as international actors
2011 |
Malamud, Andrés |
Liberal political philosophy : the role of non-state actors and considerations of global justice
2011 |
Gordon, Geoff |
Inter-organizational relations : an emerging research programme
2011 |
Biermann, Rafael |
Non-governmental organizations in the human rights world
2011 |
Mihr, Anja |
Non-state actors in the global security world
2011 |
Stephenson, Carolyn M. |
Transnational religious actors
2011 |
Madeley, John T. S. |
Autonomous agencies of the European Union as non-state actors
2011 |
Groenleer, Martijn |
Non-state and state actors in global governance
2011 |
Koch, Martin |
Non-state actors and the transformation of diplomacy
2011 |
Hocking, Brian |
Dynamism and resilience of intergovernmental organizations in a world of persisiting state power and rising non-state actors
2011 |
Schemeil, Yves |
From agenda setting to decision making : opening the black box of non-governmental organizations
2011 |
Heyse, Liesbet |