Guerres, femmes et droit : les crimes de guerre, crimes d´agression, crimes de génocide et crimes contre l´humanité
2010 |
Diarra, Fatoumata-Agnès |
A critique of the East African Court of Justice as a human rights court
2010 |
Bossa, Solomy Balungi |
The 'other' Milošević case : the Prosecutor versus Serbia and Montenegro in re production of documents in Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milošević
2010 |
Dawson, Grant |
Anatomie des juridictions internationales
2010 |
Dieng, Adama |
Confronting myths about the International Criminal Court and its work in Africa
2010 |
Du Plessis, Max |
The challenges of relocating persons acquitted by the ICTR
2010 |
Niang, Mandiaye |
Gravity and the International Criminal Court
2010 |
Schabas, William |
Command responsibility and the principle of individual criminal responsibility : a critical analysis of international jurisprudence
2010 |
Tsagourias, Nikolaos K. |
Les droits de l ̕ homme dans le processus de la conférence internationale sur la région des Grands Lacs
2010 |
Mubiala, Mutoy |
Navi Pillay : overcoming the odds
2010 |
Jaichand, Vinodh |
Navanethem Pillay : a short biography
2010 |
Naidoo, Sugan |
Rape and superior responsibility : international criminal law in need of adjustment
2010 |
Eboe-Osuji, Chile |
Navi Pillay : up close and personal
2010 |
Neuwirth, Jessica |
Lessons learned in prosecuting gender crimes under international law : experiences from the ICTY
2010 |
Brammertz, Serge |
Prosecuting sexual violence at the ICTR
2010 |
Leroy-Hajee, Alice |
The challenge of 'firsts' in international criminal justice : first courts, first judges, and issues of first impression
2010 |
Carter, Linda E. |
The trusted cause : a reflective legal comment on the development of international legal procedural law in international criminal tribunals
2010 |
Harhoff, Frederik |
Reflections on the independence and impartiality of international judges
2010 |
Pocar, Fausto |
Collateral damage : a dangerous omission in the law of armed conflicts
2010 |
Obote-Odora, Alex |
Nigeria's jurisdiction to prosecute Johnny Paul Koroma for war crimes committed in Sierra Leone
2010 |
Eboe-Osuji, Chile |