Later fortunes of a famous text : the lex Cogi from the viewpoint of some commentators
2010 |
Bezemer, Kees |
Civiliter cogi ad factum
2010 |
Dondorp, Harry |
Contractsuitleg naar Nederlands en Engels recht
2010 |
Jansen, Corjo |
Sanctus Cassius Praetor? : Bemerkungen zu Pomp. D. 29.2.99
2010 |
Knütel, Rolf |
Vom Weinfässer-Fall zur Garantiehaftung des Vermieters
2010 |
Krampe, Christoph |
The King's Council and church courts in later medieval Scotland : a mixed legal system in the making?
2010 |
MacQueen, Hector L. |
Bishops, bankers, and debt
2010 |
Robinson, Olivia F. |
Zur Abtretung des Herausgabeanspruchs im mittelalterlichen gemeinen Recht
2010 |
Zwalve, Willem J. |
Promissio dotis and legatum dotis in Ulpian D. 23.3.29
2010 |
Ankum, Hans |
Principles of Roman law in EC case law
2010 |
Boukema, Henk-Jan |
Artificial gold, sold as natural : Francisco de Vitoria on a latent defect in the merchandise
2010 |
Hallebeek, Jan |
The misbehaving judge : two footnotes
2010 |
Ibbetson, David J. |
Het Romeinse recht en artikel 19 van het partijprogramma van de NSDAP
2010 |
Kop, Peter C. |
Beneficence and the improvement of life in Rome
2010 |
Van den Bergh, Rena |
English looters and Scottish lawyers : the ius commune and the College of Justice
2010 |
Cairns, John W. |
Dopo Calasso : ancora sul concetto e sul sistema del Diritto comune
2010 |
Cortese, Ennio |
Codicis Justiniani epitome Beinecke and Summa Perusina (11th century) : comments on and edition of Ms. 974 at Yale University's Beinecke Library
2010 |
Dolezalek, Gero |
Zur heutigen Rechtsbedeutung der alliierten Restitutionsgesetze in Deutschland
2010 |
Ernst, Wolfgang |
Twee sleutelteksten uit de geschiedenis van het recht van reclame, Constitututum usus van Pisa (12e eeuw) en Costumen van Antwerpen (1582), revisited
2010 |
Feenstra, Robert |
Afstand van romeinsrechtelijke excepties in Vlaanderen : vroeger dan gedacht
2010 |
Heirbaut, Dirk |