Free movement of capital and protectionism after Volkswagen and Viking Line
2009 |
Rickford, Jonathan |
Centros and the cost of branching
2009 |
Becht, Marco |
The Commission Recommendations of 14 December 2004 and of 15 February 2005 and their implementation in Germany
2009 |
Lutter, Marcus |
Adoption of the European Directive on takeover bids : an on-again, off-again story
2009 |
Simon, Joe͏̈lle |
Application of the Dutch investigation procedure on two listed companies : the Gucci and ABN AMRO cases
2009 |
Timmerman, Levinus |
The European Model Company Act project
2009 |
Baums, Theodor |
Towards the end of the real seat theory in Europe?
2009 |
Menjucq, Michel |
Pre-clearance in European accounting law : the right step?
2009 |
Schön, Wolfgang |
Obstacles to corporate restructuring : observations from a European and German perspective
2009 |
Hopt, Klaus J. |
Principles-based, risk-based regulation and effective enforcement
2009 |
Ferran, Eilís |
The Committee of European Securities Regulators and level 3 of the Lamfalussy Process
2009 |
Moloney, Niamh |
The statutory authority of the European Central Bank and euro-area national central banks over TARGET2-Securities
2009 |
Mülbert, Peter O. |
The practitioner and the professor : is there a theory of commercial law?
2009 |
Druey, Jean Nicolas |
Stakeholders and the legal theory of the corporation
2009 |
Nobel, Peter |
Some modest proposals to provide viable damage remedies for French investors
2009 |
Robert Hawes, Marie-Claude |
International standards on auditing and their adoption in the EU : legal aspects and unsettled questions
2009 |
Merkt, Hanno |
Corporate governance: directors’ duties, financial reporting and liability : remarks from a German perspective
2009 |
Hommelhoff, Peter |
Protection of third-party interests under German takeover law
2009 |
Baum, Harald |
Market transparency and best execution : bond trading under MiFID
2009 |
Ferrarini, Guido |
Learning from Eddy : a meditation upon organizational reform of financial supervision in Europe
2009 |
Jackson, Howell E. |