European law and the English judge
2009 |
Jacobs, Francis Geoffrey |
Contrôle de constitutionnalité, contrôle de conventionnalité et judicial review : la mise en œuvre de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme en France et au Royaume-Uni
2009 |
Dutheillet de Lamothe, Olivier |
Lord Bingham and the human rights act 1998 : the search for democratic legitimacy during the 'war on terror'
2009 |
Clayton, Richard |
The United Kingdom Constitution in transition : from where to where?
2009 |
Oliver, Dawn |
The long sleep
2009 |
Sedley, Stephen |
Economic reasoning and judicial review
2009 |
Breyer, Stephen G. |
Goethe, Bingham, and the gift of an open mind : Weltliteratur and global law lessons from Goethe
2009 |
Markezinēs, Basileios Sp. |
Benefits of comparative tort reasoning : lost in translation
2009 |
Stapleton, Jane |
Le Conseil d'État, so British?
2009 |
Stirn, Bernard |
The Bingham Court
2009 |
Zeno-Zencovich, Vincenzo |
'There is a world elsewhere' : Lord Bingham and comparative law
2009 |
Andenæs, Mads Tønnesson |
On liberty and the European Convention on Human Rights
2009 |
Arden, Mary |
The rule of law internationally : Lord Bingham and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law
2009 |
McCorquodale, Robert |
The twisted road from Prince Albert to Campbell, and beyond : Towards a right of privacy?
2009 |
Errera, Roger |
On the waning magic of territoriality in the conflict of laws
2009 |
Muir Watt, Horatia |
The rule of law and our changing Constitution
2009 |
Clarke, Anthony |
Scandals, political accountability and the rule of law : counting heads?
2009 |
Van Gerven, Walter |
Duty of care and public authority liability
2009 |
Gumbel, Elizabeth-Anne |
A supreme judicial leader
2009 |
Hale, Brenda |
Sweden's contribution to governance of the judiciary
2009 |
Bell, John |