Human rights and conflict resolution
2007 |
Hadden, Tom |
Ireland, the European Convention on Human Rights, and the personal contribution of Seán MacBride
2007 |
Schabas, William |
A view from the coal face : Northern Ireland, human rights activism, and the War on Terror
2007 |
Beirne, Maggie |
Mobilizing the professions : lawyers, politics, and the collective legal conscience
2007 |
McEvoy, Kieran |
Separation of powers in a global context
2007 |
Flaherty, Martin S. |
The scope of the right to a fair trial guarantee in non-criminal cases in the European Convention on Human Rights
2007 |
Harris, D. J. |
Habits of mind and 'truth telling' : Article 2 ECHR in post-conflict Northern Ireland
2007 |
Anthony, Gordon |
Linking human rights and other goals
2007 |
Boyle, Kevin |
Corporations, human rights, and social inequality
2007 |
Wheeler, Sally |
Human rights and women's rights : the appeal to an international agenda in the promotion of women's equal citizenship
2007 |
Meehan, Elizabeth M. |
'In the small places' : education and human rights culture in conflict-affected societies
2007 |
McEvoy, Lesley |
Protecting the marginalized?
2007 |
Harvey, Colin |
Judges, transition, and human rights : essays in memory of Stephen Livingstone
2007 |
Morison, John |
Litigating the agreement : towards a new judicial constitutionalism for the UK from Northern Ireland?
2007 |
Morison, John |
The impact of the human rights act in Northern Ireland
2007 |
Dickson, Brice |
The relationship between paraliaments and National Human Rights Institutions
2007 |
Murray, Rachel |
Reshaping constitutionalism
2007 |
Hunt, Murray |
The battle for transitional justice : hegemony, Iraq, and international law
2007 |
Bell, Christine |
Constitutionalism, deliberative democracy, and human rights
2007 |
Feldman, David |
Deference owed under the separation of powers
2007 |
Zwart, Tom |