Modernizing the European social model by a "Leonine Partnership" : the socially "irresponsible" enterprise in the age of flexicurity
2008 |
Ales, Edoardo |
Fixed-term work in the recent case law of the European Court of Justice
2008 |
Sciarra, Silvana |
Achieving the Fixed-Term Work Directive's aims : United Kingdom implementation and comparative perspectives
2008 |
Lorber, Pascale |
The integration of older workers in European labour markets : between macro desires and micro reality
2008 |
Klosse, Saskia |
ILO Conventions 135 and 154 and works councils' powers in making an agreement on labour conditions with the company
2008 |
Laat, Sjef de |
The revision of the EU Directive on European works councils in the light of the Treaty of Lisbon
2008 |
Jacobs, Antoine T. J. M. |
Lockout : a dadaist study of a relic(t)
2008 |
Humblet, Patrick |
Enforcement of EC labour law : some less felicitous consequences?
2008 |
Prechal, Sacha |
Can a stronger anchoring of European labour law and social security law to Community law guarantee a sustainable European social model?
2008 |
Rigaux, Marc |
The coherency of European social policy : the ECJ caught between flexible employment policies and upholding European employment rights
2008 |
Veldman, Albertine G. |
Life-long-learning as an individual social right
2008 |
Heerma van Voss, Guus |
The place and role of comparative labour law in the framework of the European Union
2008 |
Birk, Rolf |
Social responsibility of enterprises : a bridge between labour and economic law
2008 |
Hessel, Bart |
Chinese labour law rules viewed with European eyes
2008 |
Däubler, Wolfgang |
Protection against the termination of a contract of employment : lessons from a comparison between Dutch and German law
2008 |
Waas, Bernd |
European equality law or : losing sight of the wood for the trees
2008 |
Brink, Marjolein van den |
The employee, the severance payment and the insolvment employer
2008 |
Grapperhaus, Ferdinand Bernhard Joseph |
Three steps of reflections regarding the Viking and Laval case : towards an effective European right to strike
2008 |
Blanke, Thomas |
Decent work-fair wages : new questions for European labour law?
2008 |
Wendeling-Schröder, Ulrike |
Workers' protection in transnational companies
2008 |
Daugareilh, Isabelle |