Prior Art from the internet - a potential further reason for branching off a utility model from a pending patent application
2009 |
Klicznik, Alexander |
The priority right in Patent Law - use and misuse?
2009 |
Ullmann, Eike |
Deceptive conduct in the patent world - a case for US Antitrust and EU Competition Law?
2009 |
Drexl, Josef |
Patents and standards : the Antitrust Objection as a defense in patent infringement proceedings
2009 |
Schöler, Karolina |
The finnish 2006 act on university inventions - the road map to identifying, protecting and utilizing patentable research results
2009 |
Oesch, Rainer |
Harmonizing patent infringement damages: a lesson from Japanese Experiences
2009 |
Takenaka, Toshiko |
Patents without injunctions? - trolls, hold-ups, ambushes, and other patent warfare
2009 |
Meibom, Wolfgang von |
Patents in Europe and their Court - is there light at the end of the tunnel?
2009 |
Schneider, Michael |
Some remarks on the third revision draft of the Chinese Patent Law
2009 |
Guo, Shoukang |
Economic perils of U.S. Patent Reform: flexibility's Achilles Heel
2009 |
Kieff, F. Scott |
Patents and the economic incentive to invent
2009 |
Pretnar, Bojan |
The impact of the amendments of the Chinese Patent System on the technological and economic progress in China
2009 |
Yu, Xiang |
Woolly lines in intellectual property law
2009 |
Jacob, Robin |
Nonobviousness in German Patent nullity proceedings
2009 |
Landfermann, Hans-Georg |
The experimental use of the patented invention : a free use or an infringing use?
2009 |
Di Cataldo, Vincenzo |
A study on patent compulsory license system in China - with particular reference to the drafted 3rd amendment to the patent law of the P.R. of China
2009 |
Liu, Xiaohai |
Legal and moral reflections on modern biotechnology in use & misuse
2009 |
Berman, Shoshana |
Medical use claims: EPC 2000 and its impact on prosecution and enforcement
2009 |
Jaenichen, Hans-Rainer |
Patent trolls - menace or myth?
2009 |
Ann, Christoph |
Reflections on the German Patent Litigation System
2009 |
Mes, Peter |