Pseudo-panels and repeated cross-sections
2008 |
Verbeek, Marno |
Simulation techniques for panels : efficient importance sampling
2008 |
Liesenfeld, Roman |
To pool or not to pool?
2008 |
Baltagi, Badi H. |
GMM for panel data count models
2008 |
Windmeijer, Frank |
Spatial panel econometrics
2008 |
Anselin, Luc |
Econometrics of individual labor market transitions
2008 |
Fougère, Denis |
Endogenous regressors and correlated effects
2008 |
Boumahdi, Rachid |
The Chamberlain approach to panel data : an overview and some simulations
2008 |
Crépon, Bruno |
Attrition, selection bias and censored regressions
2008 |
Honoré, Bo E. |
Panel data modeling and inference : a Bayesian primer
2008 |
Chib, Siddhartha |
Stochastic frontier analysis and efficiency estimation
2008 |
Cornwell, Christopher Mark |
Econometric analyses of linked employer-employee data
2008 |
Abowd, John M. |
Error components models
2008 |
Baltagi, Badi H. |
Dynamic models for short panels
2008 |
Harris, Mark N. |
Measurement errors and simultaneity
2008 |
Biørn, Erik |
Duration models and point processes
2008 |
Florens, Jean-Pierre |
Foreign direct investment : lessons from panel data
2008 |
Blanchard, Pierre |
Fixed effects models and fixed coefficients models
2008 |
Balestra, Pietro |
Random coefficient models
2008 |
Hsiao, Cheng |
Parametric binary choice models
2008 |
Lechner, Michael |