International economic law and the lender of last resort
2007 |
Kern, Alexander |
Los pilares del contrato moderno
2007 |
Alterini, Atilio Aníbal |
Dos derechos emergentes del consumidor : a no ser molestado y a una interacción informativa
2007 |
Cavanillas Múgica, Santiago |
The role of securities disclosure regulation in investor protection relating to corporate insolvency
2007 |
Chiu, Iris H. Y. |
Competition law, contracts and fairness : comments on the relationship
2007 |
Gerber, David J. |
The reception of Anglo-American contract practice into Swedish law : some points on charter parties and syndicated loans
2007 |
Gorton, Lars |
European contract law? : a matter of consumer protection, citizenship, or justice?
2007 |
Hesselink, Martijn Willem |
L'action et le contrôle
2007 |
Horsmans, Guy |
Is good faith an over-arching general clause in the Principles of European Contract Law?
2007 |
Lando, Ole |
Good faith, mixed legal systems and the Principles of European Contract Law
2007 |
MacQueen, Hector L. |
Two kinds of justice : human and divine ; random thoughts à propos Milton's Paradise Lost
2007 |
Markezinēs, Basileios Sp. |
Review of academic approaches to the European contract law codification project
2007 |
Micklitz, Hans-Wolfgang |
Horizontal liability in secondary EC law : also a critique of ECJ case law on remedies for compensation in product liability, non-discrimination, and intellectual property law
2007 |
Reich, Norbert |
Vers une convergence du droit français et du droit allemand
2007 |
Jauffret-Spinosi, Camille |
Rapporti contrattuali e tutela del consumatore nell'esperienza brasiliana
2007 |
Tepedino, Gustavo |
Tort and insurance on the highway
2007 |
Weir, Tony |
A "period of grace" for contractual performance?
2007 |
Whittaker, Simon |
Modernizing the board of directors
2007 |
Hopt, Klaus J. |
For a progressive codification of European private law
2007 |
Rajski, Jerzy |
L'influence du Code civil sur les codifications du 19e siècle : essor et déclin d'un modèle européen
2007 |
Ranieri, Filippo |