[Rezension von: Financial crises, contagion, and the lender of last resort, Charles Goodhart ... (eds.)]
2003 |
Sell, Friedrich L. |
[Rezension von: Financial crises, contagion, and the lender of last resort, ed. by Charles Goodhart, ...,]
2003 |
Sarno, Lucio |
The lender of last resort : alternative views and historical experience
2002 |
Bordo, Michael D. |
Earmarks of a lender of last resort
2002 |
Schwartz, Anna Jacobson |
A general view of Lombard Street : (excerpts)
2002 |
Bagehot, Walter |
Financial deregulation, monetary policy, and central banking : (excerpts)
2002 |
Goodfriend, Marvin |
Myths about the lender of last resort
2002 |
Goodhart, Charles A. E. |
Systemic risk, interbank relations, and liquidity provision by the central bank
2002 |
Freixas, Xavier |
The central banking role of clearinghouse associations
2002 |
Timberlake, Richard H. |
On the lender of last resort
2002 |
Solow, Robert M. |
Banking panics : the role of the first-come, first-served rule and information externalities
2002 |
Chen, Yehning |
The Asian crisis : lessons for crisis management and prevention
2002 |
Brealey, Richard A. |
Meltzer report of the International Financial Advisory Committee (excerpts from chapter 2)
2002 |
Lender of last resort : a review of the literature
2002 |
Freixas, Xavier |
Lender of last resort : a contemporary perspective
2002 |
Kaufman, George G. |
The Bagehot problem
2002 |
Hirsch, Fred |
Financial crises, payment system problems, and discount window lending : (excerpts)
2002 |
Flannery, Mark J. |
Systemic risk in banking : a survey
2002 |
Bandt, Olivier de |
Bank runs, deposit insurance, and liquidity
2002 |
Diamond, Douglas W. |
Optimal currency crises
2002 |
Allen, Franklin |