A revival of the just war theory?
2007 |
Shearer, Ivan |
The law of weaponry : is it adequate?
2007 |
Boothby, Bill |
Rethinking collective security
2007 |
Franck, Thomas |
The military action in Iraq and international law
2007 |
Wedgwood, Ruth |
Ius ad bellum and ius in bello - the separation between the legality of the use of force and humanitarian rules to be respected in warfare : crucial of outdated?
2007 |
Sassòli, Marco |
"Combatants" : substance or semantics?
2007 |
Garraway, Charles H. B. |
"Benevolent" third states in international armed conflicts : the myth of the irrelevance of the law of neutrality
2007 |
Heintschel von Heinegg, Wolff |
Topographies of force
2007 |
Kritsiotis, Dino |
The temporal dimension of self-defense : anticipation, pre-emption, prevention and immediacy
2007 |
Gill, Terry D. |
21st century conflict and international humanitarian law : status quo or change?
2007 |
Watkin, Kenneth |
The separation fence in the international court of justice and the high court of justice : commonalities, differences and specifics
2007 |
Domb, Fania |
Claims to pre-emptive uses of force : some trends and projections and their implications for world order
2007 |
Reisman, William Michael |
Responding to transnational terrorism under the jus ad bellum : a normative frame work
2007 |
Schmitt, Michael N. |
Is US adherence to the rule of law in international affairs feasible?
2007 |
Murphy, John F. |
"Unlawful/enemy combatants" : interpretations and consequences
2007 |
Pejic, Jelena |
Ghosts in the machine : some legal issues concerning US military contractors in Iraq
2007 |
McDonald, Avril |
Leaders, courtiers and command responsibility in Shakespeare
2007 |
Meron, Theodor |
Civilian detentions in Iraq
2007 |
Wall, Andru E. |
Transformative military occupation : applying the laws of war and human rights
2007 |
Roberts, Adam |
The adequacy of international humanitarian law rules on belligerent occupation : to what extent may security council resolution 1483 be considered a model for adjustment?
2007 |
Wolfrum, Rüdiger |