The Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe : a flexible Constitution?
2005 |
Hanf, Dominik |
The executive(s) of the European Union : out of the shadow(s), under the spotlight(s)
2005 |
Curtin, Deirdre |
A "Big Bang" in EC antitrust enforcement procedure
2005 |
Van Bael, Ivo |
External competence: What's in a name? : the difficult conciliation between dynamism of the ECJ and dynamics of European integration
2005 |
Govaere, Inge |
L' application provisoire des accords internationaux de la Communauté
2005 |
Garzón Clariana, Gregorio |
International and European environmental law : mutual supportiveness for improving "green governance"
2005 |
Notaro, Nicola |
Constitutional preparation for EU accession in Central and Eastern European "new" member states
2005 |
Czuczai, Jenő |
Musing on democracy in the Constitution for Europe
2005 |
Stein, Eric |
La composition de la Commission : de faux semblants en rendez-vous manqués
2005 |
Mestre, Christian |
Brèves observations sur la consécration constitutionnelle d'un droit de retrait volontaire
2005 |
Mehdi, Rostane |
The economic order in the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe : a critical assessment
2005 |
Behrens, Peter |
Trente ans après les arrêts fondamentaux de 1974, les quatre libertés: quatre?
2005 |
Hatzopoulos, Vassilis |
Trends towards convergence of marriage and divorce laws
2005 |
Lando, Ole |
European environmental law : innovative, integrative - but also effective?
2005 |
Krämer, Ludwig |
Le développement durable, nouvelle frontière du marché unique
2005 |
Berrod, Frédérique |
Decentralisation of EC competition law enforcement and general principles of Community law
2005 |
Bourgeois, Jacques H. J. |
Les études juridiques au Collège d'Europe (Bruges)
2005 |
Demaret, Paul |
Les nouveaux défis de l'unité européenne : Conseil de l'Europe et Union européenne
2005 |
Constantinesco, Vlad |
The future organisation of the European courts
2005 |
Lenaerts, Koen |
State liability for judicial acts? : remedies unlimited?
2005 |
Tridimas, Takis |