Economic growth and environmental quality in the USSR : Soviet reaction to "The limits to growth"
1976 |
Kelley, Donald R. |
The course of economic reforms in East Germany : an interpretation
1976 |
Vogt, Roy |
The energy problem in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
1976 |
Korda, B. |
Custom combining : a neglected opportunity for Soviet agriculture
1975 |
Abouchar, Alan |
The politicization of Soviet women : from passivity to protest
1975 |
Shapiro, Jane P. |
Soviet development strategies in Central Asia
1975 |
Shorish, M. Mobin |
The Murgab oasis : the modernization of an ancient irrigation system
1975 |
Matley, Ian M. |
L' opposition en régime communiste : le cas des intellectuels slovaques
1975 |
Kirschbaum, Stanislav J. |
The changing role of the collective farm in Soviet agriculture
1974 |
Stuart, Robert C. |
Belorussia : modernization, human rights, nationalism
1974 |
Horak, Stephan M. |
The industrial workers
1973 |
Matejko, Alexander |
The downfall of Gomulka
1973 |
Pełczyński, Zbigniew A. |
The state and the church
1973 |
Starón, Stanisław |
Social sciences and the reform of the education system
1973 |
Szczepański, Jan |
Polish foreign policy in the 1970s̕
1973 |
Bromke, Adam |
The strategy of development and Gierek's economic manoeuvre
1973 |
Fallenbuchl, Zbigniew M. |
Changes in agriculture
1973 |
Lipski, Witold |
Soviet and American behaviour toward the developing coutries : a comparison
1973 |
Kanet, Roger E. |
Polish foreign trade : a retrospective view
1973 |
Trzeciakowski, Witold |
Czech political partie in 1848
1973 |
Pech, Stanley Z. |