CEOs and the product market : when are powerful CEOs beneficial?
2019 |
Li, Minwen |
Shaping expectations and coordinating attention : the unintended consequences of FOMC press conferences
2019 |
Boguth, Oliver |
Top management human capital, inventor mobility, and corporate innovation
2019 |
Chemmanur, Thomas J. |
Risk aversion in a dynamic asset allocation experiment
2019 |
Brocas, Isabelle |
Factor structure in commodity futures return and volatility
2019 |
Christoffersen, Peter F. |
Getting paid to hedge : why don't investors pay a premium to hedge downturns?
2019 |
Kapadia, Nishad |
Relationship-based resource allocations : evidence from the use of “guanxi” during seos
2019 |
Brockman, Paul |
Bank lending and the European sovereign debt crisis
2019 |
De Marco, Filippo |
Price drift before U.S. macroeconomic news : private information about public announcements?
2019 |
Kurov, Alexander |
The importance of blockholder heterogeneity : security market effects and follow-on activities
2019 |
Hsieh, Jim |
Investor protection and the long-run performance of activism
2019 |
Foroughi, Pouyan |
Effects of CEO turnover in banks : evidence using exogenous turnovers in Indian banks
2019 |
Sarkar, Arkodipta |
Operating leverage, profitability, and capital structure
2019 |
Chen, Zhiyao |
Bank capital and lending : evidence from syndicated loans
2019 |
Chu, Yongqiang |
Good volatility, bad volatility, and option pricing
2019 |
Feunou, Bruno |
SOX section 404 and corporate innovation
2019 |
Gao, Huasheng |
At-the-market offerings
2019 |
Billett, Matthew T. |
Do unlisted targets sell at discounts?
2019 |
Jaffe, Jeffrey F. |
High-frequency trading competition
2019 |
Brogaard, Jonathan |
The information content of sudden insider silence
2019 |
Hong, Claire Yurong |