On the viability of Galilean relationalism
2017 |
Binkoski, James P. |
Finite frequentism in a big world
2016 |
Tosh, Nick |
Why the parts of absolute space are immobile
2008 |
Huggett, Nick |
The last mathematician from Hilbert's Göttingen : Saunders Mac Lane as philosopher of mathematics
2007 |
McLarty, Colin |
Leibnizian causation
2005 |
Futch, Michael J. |
The poverty of theistic cosmology
2004 |
Grünbaum, Adolf |
Relationalism rehabilitated? : I: Classical mechanics
2002 |
Pooley, Oliver |
Exclusion principle and the identity of indiscernibles : a response to Margenau's argument
2001 |
Massimi, Michaela |
Professor Grünbaum on the "normalcy of nothingness" in the Leibnizian and "Kalam" cosmological arguments
2001 |
Craig, William Lane |
A new critique of theological interpretations of physical cosmology
2000 |
Grünbaum, Adolf |
Absolute versus relational spacetime : for better or worse the debate goes on
1998 |
Hoefer, Carl |
Space and relativity in Newton and Leibniz
1994 |
Arthur, Richard |
The lessons of hole argument
1994 |
Rynasiewicz, Robert |
On dynamics, indiscernibility, and spacetime ontology : discussion
1994 |
DiSalle, Robert |
[Rezension von: [Rez. zu] Earman, John: World enough and space-time]
1992 |
Maidens, A. |
"What place, then, for a creator?" : Hawking on God and creation
1990 |
Craig, William Lane |
Quantum physics and the identity of indiscernibles
1988 |
French, Steven |
Induction before Hume
1987 |
Milton, J. R. |
Relational concepts of space and time
1982 |
Barbour, Julian B. |
The development of mathematics
1978 |
Gillies, Donald |