Industrial restructuring in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) : barriers to adaptive reform become downward development spirals
1991 |
Voskamp, Ulrich |
Reflections on the class counsciousness of Hungarian steelworkers
1989 |
Burawoy, Michael |
Strike data in search of a theory : the Italian case in the postwar period
1989 |
Franzosi, Roberto |
Generational equity and the politics of the welfare state
1989 |
Quadagno, Jill |
Capitalist development and democracy in South America
1989 |
Huber, Evelyne |
Automation and skill : 3 generations of research on the NC case
1989 |
Adler, Paul S. |
Business influence and state power : the case of US corporate tax policy
1989 |
Martin, Cathie Jo |
Sociology and its poor
1989 |
Procacci, Giovanna |
Structure, culture and action in the explanation of social change
1989 |
Taylor, Michael |
Women in the class structure
1989 |
Wright, Erik Olin |
The political economy of French and English development
1988 |
Is industrial policy possible in the United States? : the defeat of Rhode Island's Greenhouse Compact
1986-1987 |
Silver, Hilary |
The political economy of the local state
1986-1987 |
Greer, James L. |
Pluralism and the decline of left hegemony : the French left in power
1985 |
Ross, George |
International lending and the relative autonomy of the state : a case study of twentieth-century Peru
1985 |
Stallings, Barbara |
Power and distributional regimes
1985 |
Esping-Andersen, Gøsta |
Dependence, military assistance and development : a cross-national study
1985 |
Hartman, John |
Feudal elite conflict and the origins of English capitalism
1985 |
Lachmann, Richard |
From "Fordism" to "Toyotism"? : the social organizational of the labor process in the Japanese automobile industry
1985 |
Dohse, Knuth |
Wage policy in Nazi Germany
1985 |
Siegel, Tilla |